On 27 November 2017, Rear Admiral John Nadeau began a new five-part series to provide information and updates regarding the USCG’s ballast water program. The series is posted on the Coast Guard Maritime Commons blog, and presents various aspects relating to the USCG’s shift in focus from implementation of the ballast water regulations to compliance and enforcement.
- Series 1 provides program background and an informative USCG perspective on ballast water management.
- Series 2 clearly discusses the USCG’s focus on compliance and enforcement of ballast water regulations.
- Series 3 presents interesting statistics on treated ballast water discharges in the US, as well as information on the various treatment system aspects that the USCG evaluates during the type approval process.
- Series 4 provides valuable insight on what shipowners should expect when operating and installing a ballast water treatment system.
- Series 5 discusses the importance of contingency planning in the event a ballast water treatment system is unexpectedly inoperable, and the steps owners/operators should take in such an event to ensure compliance. This final post also reiterates the USCG’s expectations that owners follow the regulations and the USCG focus on enforcement of ballast water regulations.